Audition Information
Casting Information
Please read all information carefully and then complete the CYPA PRODUCTION AGREEMENT online at the end of the information.
AUDITION MATERIAL and INFORMATION is posted below the Production Information
Audition Information
Casting Information
Please read all information carefully and then complete the CYPA PRODUCTION AGREEMENT online at the end of the information.
AUDITION MATERIAL and INFORMATION is posted below the Production Information
Central York Performing Arts will present their 2024 Musical production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat on April 12, 13, & 14, 2024. Auditions will be held Wed., December 6 with two sessions to choose from: 3:30-6:15 PM or 6:30-9:15 PM. Rehearsals begin Monday, January 8.
There are two groups for participation in this CYPA production:
Any student interested in consideration for *Cast or **Crew must do the following:
**Crew/Tech will interview with Tech Director and Stage Managers (later in December or early January) to be accepted for the show
All students interested in being a part of this production - cast and crew/tech, must register using the online agreement form found at the bottom of this page by December 5.
Both groups - cast and crew, must acknowledge the Production Agreement along with a parent/guardian.
Staff will be holding Pre-Selection Meetings during Flex periods on Nov. 15, 20, 21, & 29. Attendance at one of these meetings is recommended for every student interested in participating (cast and crew). The meetings will be held in the Band Room 702. The purpose of these meetings is to explain the audition and selection process and review some expectations and the schedule for this production.
This is an extremely time-intensive activity. If you are involved in any manner, you can expect to be busy between January 8 and March 14 and VERY busy from March 18 - April 14. Cast rehearsals will be two or three days a week for music and one or two days a week for choreography beginning Jan. 8, and three-four days a week beginning February 12. While every cast member may not be called for every rehearsal, the expectation is that you will be present for all required commitments; learn and study your parts, music, lines, choreography; be off-book by deadlines; and commit to make this the best possible production you can. Specific schedule and calls will be posted a week or two in advance.
All students must be able to balance school, other activities, work, and a very intensive schedule. Please review the student Code of Conduct and the Co-Curricular information in the Student Handbook. You must be able to keep your academics up in order to remain eligible.
The time frame for putting this production together falls during the Winter Sports season AND the Spring Sports Season. It is unlikely that you can participate in both a sport and the musical. It may be possible to do a Winter Sport, but a Spring Sport will likely be impossible. Please do not make a commitment to the show if you have not already cleared your schedule with your coach. We cannot work around sports schedules and splitting rehearsal time will not work
ALL REHEARSALS beginning April 1 are required in full, meaning do not schedule any doctor appointments, orthodontist, driving exams, music lessons, dance classes, etc. during rehearsal times for these weeks prior to opening night. If this schedule does not work for your schedule, then this activity is not for you.
All conflicts MUST be pre-approved by either Mr. Hodge or Mrs. Hinkle (for cast), or Mrs. Hillegas (for crew). Unexcused absences will not be tolerated and can result in your dismissal from the production. Known possible conflicts should be noted in the online registration form. We cannot not work around every conflict. Listing the conflict does not guarantee it is excused. We cannot work around rehearsals for outside productions. We will be flexible, when possible, with regards to regular dance classes and voice lessons, as these contribute to your growth in musical theater. NO CONFLICTS during the last two weeks before the show opens… period!
GENERAL SCHEDULE (subject to change)
Please see the Production Calendar for general scheduled dates and times, posted on the CYPA website.
CAST general schedule
PERFORMANCES - All Groups (call times to be announced)
April 12 & 13 @ 7:30 PM and April 14 @ 2:00 PM
There are two groups for participation in this CYPA production:
- Cast - on stage, requires audition and selection
- Crew/Tech - no audition required (tech, management and stage crew positions)
Any student interested in consideration for *Cast or **Crew must do the following:
- Register online - deadline is 3:00 PM, December 5
- Production Agreement - is part of the online registration form and must be acknowledged by both student and parent/guardian
- Attend a Pre-Selection Flex Meeting - Nov. 15, 20, 21, or 29 in Band Room
**Crew/Tech will interview with Tech Director and Stage Managers (later in December or early January) to be accepted for the show
All students interested in being a part of this production - cast and crew/tech, must register using the online agreement form found at the bottom of this page by December 5.
Both groups - cast and crew, must acknowledge the Production Agreement along with a parent/guardian.
Staff will be holding Pre-Selection Meetings during Flex periods on Nov. 15, 20, 21, & 29. Attendance at one of these meetings is recommended for every student interested in participating (cast and crew). The meetings will be held in the Band Room 702. The purpose of these meetings is to explain the audition and selection process and review some expectations and the schedule for this production.
This is an extremely time-intensive activity. If you are involved in any manner, you can expect to be busy between January 8 and March 14 and VERY busy from March 18 - April 14. Cast rehearsals will be two or three days a week for music and one or two days a week for choreography beginning Jan. 8, and three-four days a week beginning February 12. While every cast member may not be called for every rehearsal, the expectation is that you will be present for all required commitments; learn and study your parts, music, lines, choreography; be off-book by deadlines; and commit to make this the best possible production you can. Specific schedule and calls will be posted a week or two in advance.
All students must be able to balance school, other activities, work, and a very intensive schedule. Please review the student Code of Conduct and the Co-Curricular information in the Student Handbook. You must be able to keep your academics up in order to remain eligible.
The time frame for putting this production together falls during the Winter Sports season AND the Spring Sports Season. It is unlikely that you can participate in both a sport and the musical. It may be possible to do a Winter Sport, but a Spring Sport will likely be impossible. Please do not make a commitment to the show if you have not already cleared your schedule with your coach. We cannot work around sports schedules and splitting rehearsal time will not work
ALL REHEARSALS beginning April 1 are required in full, meaning do not schedule any doctor appointments, orthodontist, driving exams, music lessons, dance classes, etc. during rehearsal times for these weeks prior to opening night. If this schedule does not work for your schedule, then this activity is not for you.
All conflicts MUST be pre-approved by either Mr. Hodge or Mrs. Hinkle (for cast), or Mrs. Hillegas (for crew). Unexcused absences will not be tolerated and can result in your dismissal from the production. Known possible conflicts should be noted in the online registration form. We cannot not work around every conflict. Listing the conflict does not guarantee it is excused. We cannot work around rehearsals for outside productions. We will be flexible, when possible, with regards to regular dance classes and voice lessons, as these contribute to your growth in musical theater. NO CONFLICTS during the last two weeks before the show opens… period!
GENERAL SCHEDULE (subject to change)
Please see the Production Calendar for general scheduled dates and times, posted on the CYPA website.
CAST general schedule
- Jan. 8-Mar. 14 - Mon, Tues, Wed & Thurs., 3:15-5:00 PM (3:15-4:45 on Tuesdays)
- Mar. 18-April 4 - Mon, Tues, Wed., & Thurs., 3:00-6:00 PM
- April 7 - Sunday - 2:00 - 8:00 PM - Tech Rehearsal and Runs
- April 8,9,10,11 - Dress Rehearsals 4:30 - 9:30 PM
- April 12 & 13 - 7:30 PM SHOW
- April 14 - 2:00 SHOW
- TBA - will be one or two days a week, 3:00-5:00 to start
- April 1-April 4 - Mon, Tues, Wed., & Thurs., 3:00-6:00 PM
- April 7 - Sunday - 2:00 - 8:00 PM - Tech Rehearsal and Runs
- April 8,9,10,11 - Dress Rehearsals 4:30 - 9:30 PM
- April 12 & 13 - 7:30 PM SHOW
- April 14 - 2:00 SHOW
PERFORMANCES - All Groups (call times to be announced)
April 12 & 13 @ 7:30 PM and April 14 @ 2:00 PM
Wednesday, DECEMBER 6 - 3:30-6:15 PM OR 6:30-9:15 PM
3:30/6:30 Meeting in auditorium - everyone who is auditioning 3:40/6:40 Break into groups for choreography & acting exercises 4:40/7:40 Vocal and choreography auditions. Everyone will be randomly placed in a group of 8-10 to do the choreography and vocal audition. Once you finish, you may leave. Be prepared to wait a while to audition. PROCESS Pre-Selection Meeting There will be Flex meetings (Nov. 15, 20, 21, & 29) for all students planning to audition or work crew/tech. Please sign up and attend one Flex period. “CYPA Pre-Selection Meeting” with directors. Attendance at one Pre-Selection Flex is recommended for everyone who wishes to audition. Evaluation Each person auditioning will be evaluated on the following:
TENOR/BASS (Men) Any Dream Will Do (music & lyrics) Any Dream backing track (used for audition) Any Dream backing track (w/melody, used for practice) SOPRANO/ALTO (Women) Jacob and Sons (music and lyrics) Jacob and Sons backing track (used for audition) Jacob and Sons backing track (w/melody, used for practice) DON'T FORGET TO COMPLETE THE ONLINE REGISTRATION AND PRODUCTION AGREEMENT |
The callback list will be posted on the bulletin board on Thursday, December 7. Those called back will be seen for additional singing (possibly additional choreography) on Wednesday, December 13. There will be vocal selections to prepare. If you are not called back, it does not mean you were not cast in the show. It simply means we do not need to see/hear anything further from you.
The cast selections will be announced via email sometime AFTER SCHOOL on Friday, December 15. Each person who auditioned will be notified of their status and, if accepted, offered role(s) via email. Those offered a role will be asked to reply to the email to either accept or decline the role(s) offered. The official cast list will be posted sometime the following week.
Getting feedback on your audition is important. Opportunities will be available for you to receive feedback on what you did well and what you can work on to improve future auditions. Flex sessions will be available, if possible, after casting notifications are out.
All students must audition on the designated audition date of December 6. We will not be able to accommodate conflicts that prevent you from auditioning on this date.
Students interested in Crew/Tech will need to sit an interview with the Tech Director and Stage Managers. These interviews will be held starting December 13. There are many different jobs that must be covered behind the scenes. Most students find one or two areas they enjoy and specialize in.
The callback list will be posted on the bulletin board on Thursday, December 7. Those called back will be seen for additional singing (possibly additional choreography) on Wednesday, December 13. There will be vocal selections to prepare. If you are not called back, it does not mean you were not cast in the show. It simply means we do not need to see/hear anything further from you.
The cast selections will be announced via email sometime AFTER SCHOOL on Friday, December 15. Each person who auditioned will be notified of their status and, if accepted, offered role(s) via email. Those offered a role will be asked to reply to the email to either accept or decline the role(s) offered. The official cast list will be posted sometime the following week.
Getting feedback on your audition is important. Opportunities will be available for you to receive feedback on what you did well and what you can work on to improve future auditions. Flex sessions will be available, if possible, after casting notifications are out.
All students must audition on the designated audition date of December 6. We will not be able to accommodate conflicts that prevent you from auditioning on this date.
Students interested in Crew/Tech will need to sit an interview with the Tech Director and Stage Managers. These interviews will be held starting December 13. There are many different jobs that must be covered behind the scenes. Most students find one or two areas they enjoy and specialize in.
- Stage Manger
- Stage Crew
- Set Construction
- Set Painting/Design
- Fly Bar
- Sound
- Lighting
- Props
- Costumes & Make Up
- Box Office
- Student Producer